Project Management
Project Management is MGPM’s area of expertise. The service provided by MGPM can be defined as:
‘The overall planning, co-ordination and management of a construction project from inception to completion, aimed at meeting a Client’s objectives relating to time, cost and quality’.
The precise Project Management service can be tailored to an individual Client’s needs to meet their specific requirements, but as a general rule include most or all of the following:
Advise on professional team appointments.
Chair the professional team meetings through pre to post contract periods including agreeing and advising on payment of fees
Collect Concept scheme from the professional team and review/comment with reference to UK legislation.
Review and set project budget and programme
Oversee preparation of working drawings by the professional team
Prepare Specification of Works.
Advise on suitable procurement options.
Obtain competitive tenders from Building Contractors for the works and report to the Client.
Make applications for statutory approvals and Landlord’s consent.
Advise on and prepare contract documents.
Administer contract and oversee works by periodic inspections.
Monitor and report on the programme and budget.
Certify interim stage payments to Contractors.
Certify Practical Completion and Snagging List.
Agree final account with Contractors.
Review project at end of defects liability period and issue Final Certificate.
Due to our broad ranging experience and ‘One Stop Shop’ approach, the services offered by MGPM extend beyond the traditional project management remit and put the Client at the centre of the process.